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terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

Good strategies to improve your trading discipline

Strategy 1 - Imagine that you are giving a live trading class to one student. Just play that role. The trick is to speak loudly and relax, just like a real class.

Strategy  2- Play music that you love. If you get angry because of any action or mistake, turn the volume up, so that you can't focus on your bad emotion, instead, you will focus on the music and feel good.

Good trades

2 comentários:

  1. Hey, I don't really agree with music because sometimes when we are trading and listening music this can be a distraction or can provoque some kind of adrenaline.


    hope to see you on skype more times

  2. For me the music definitely helps a lot, especially when I'm on my own, it's relaxing for me as long as I have it low enough that I can still hear what's going on in matches. I guess everyone's different, but it seems to keep me focused :)
