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quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013

Prize money <-> pressure, motivation?/ Free time Section

Hello traders, how are you?
It's been awhile since the last post.
The idea that i will share today is very very good, but it will work, only, if you spend some time studing motivations.So, what is it?

Prizes - Money, Cars...

Most people are driven by external motivations. The key is to find situations where huge motivations/pressure are present.
A good example for that, and recent, is Djokovic, that received more than a half million dollars to play in a tournament.(Strong pressure)
A good question to ask yourself would be, How would you feel, and how would you play if someone payed more than half million dollars for your services? Yes, that's the point. Pressure, huge pressure in "most" of cases.

Weak Motivation
What if you hear in an interview that some player dreamed about a Porsche in his teenager times for example, and Prize is a Porsche + money, and the player has big chances to win the tournament? Most of times, he will give the extra effort. The small stuff are very important and can make a difference sometimes.

 I bet you will be surprised with the value in some situations : )

Free time section

This book is not very old, but it is really really good. It's in my top 3 favorites. It explains in detail the power
of decisions and gives examples and solutions for some problems (bad habits). One small decision can affect every aspect of your life.
Very powerful book. 

The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy
Advice: Follow his twitter and facebook too.

Quote of the week:
If you want more, you have to become more. Jim Rohn

good trades

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