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sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

NBA case studies/ Free time section

Goodnight traders, as promised here are some case studies about NBA trading. The blog is full of tennis cases so i think other sport would add more value for now:

OKC @ DENVER - Russell Westbrook was out with an injury and when this happens OKC loses a lot of intensity and flow. They rely a lot in Durant but he is no superman. He needs to rest and his teammates to step up too. OKC was 1.7 prematch.
Looking at the Denver side you can expect one thing for sure playing at home, a lot of intensity. Ty Lawson playing great. In my opinion and based on some variables and last games efforts and play making i predicted a small advantage for the Denver side, expecting a big start from them. 
Result: The price quickly adapted to my prediction as the match progressed and with this advantage i was able do create a backup to risk a run for Denver that happened. 
Key point for this long term position: Durant was clearly tired at the third quarter and as a natural result, he started missing a lot of shots.

Free time section

Music - Spotify program,  to organize and listen to music(For ex: creating playlists;workout music, trading music) (PC/MOBILE).

Good trades

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