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segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011

The best way to start the week...

is to listen some music. What do you hear before trading? I find guns and roses' music isnpiring and of course, slash's solos ;P.

Its a good time to talk about some things with value in football. Champions league is reaching a crucial point and teams are a bit tired by now. So they tend to rest if they are winning in their championships game. For example Barça just won 1.0 last time. Why, if they got a lot of ball % like in oher games? Cause they will play arsenal and they have to rest a bit to gain some advantage and if u normally watch barcelona's game take a look at their attitude in the championnship game before an important game for europe. Sometimes we can get very good odds like one that i got in under 3,5 goals in the last barça game @ 1.54 @ halftime when the game was 1.0 for barça. The game finished with 1.0 for barça.

So my tip here is for example:
Choose a team that you like and that goes often to europe.
Watch their game for championship before an important game for europe and notice how they usually play the game and how the manager manages the game(substitutions, pressure of the team).


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