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sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

The playoffs are coming soon!/More info about trading classes.

Hello guys,
playoffs game are coming, so its a good time to talk about trading/betting in basket. Basketball games are very exciting and can give a good profit. A team that is 20 points up can lose the game, a team with 7 points down with only 1 minute in the clock can win the game. This happens a lot of times, and in the regular season  if you study carefully the teams you can get a lot of value. One case is for example two rival cities, where the team 1 is one of the best teams in the league and is going to play in the team2 stadium and cause of the rivalry the best team can have a difficult time so we can get a very good price to lay, for example. What do i normally do in basketball? Unlike football and tennis i dont have a clear strategy for basketball, i just read the game and search for valueable opportunities. There are cases where you can get some value for example:
- substitutions (5 players playing, different from the 5 starting) Having an idea of the bench's quality in both teams.
- The best player starts scoring some points. The best player of one of the teams starts scoring some points and probably will get more confident and score some more.
- Must win home games for the best team in the playoffs

Some info on trading classes:
Trading classes include two theory lessons that cover psychology( You will get one documment that i wrote to you read and study it in order to have a proper mindset ), money management, tennis game and its rules, the importance of patterns and the strategies to apply. There are 12 live classes included where i will trade with you and read the game with you, so that you can start identifying patterns,  exit stops without hesitation, avoid errors, and develop trading consistency. You will be under my orientation for one month and you will report your trades when you trade and we well discuss the errors and talk about them.
The trading class is limited to 5 people/month.

The trading class fee is 150 €.

Hope you liked to read the post.

Any questions, comment or email  to

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