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sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Value trading vs "normal" trading/ Good movie

In the last days ive been apllying value trading in tennis that i learned with RC's classes
( one year ago  and i like the results.
I explained in the last post that the reason for never tried this style was cause of my small knowledge of the tennis market at the time and having a small experience, which is required to have success.  I played tennis for some years and knew a lot about atp, wta. But didnt know about the attitudes, injuries, motivations from players that affect the markets everyday.
For normal trading i mean, for example, backing a serv game or enter in a 15.40 to close after the break.
(Very good tennis guide to start
The trading styles are very different but in the end both are succesful in the long term if you have the right strategies and discipline to follow it.

Advantages of value trading:
- You can win more that what you risk.
- There are certain moments that you can get profit and the points are not being played.
- In my opinion it avoids overtrading that happens a lot in "normal trading" (ill explain later) and requires patience that in my opinion is one advantage. Patience is essencial.

And as disavantages:
- Inconsistent results. With the strategy that i use i can have a very good day or a day with some losses( for more info check RC's blog) Two great days so far, but dont expect it to be like that every day.
- Requires more knowledge of the market and the players then normal trading.

Advantages of normal trading:
- consistent results
- doesnt require as much knowledge as in the value trading style, but requires some.

And as disavantages:
- Leads many times to overtrading .

So, these are the best and worst qualities of both styles. What am i going to do from now on? I'm going to use the best things from both. Use "normal trading" for the first set and use "value trading" for the second. Get the best from both. This way i can look for days with more consistency with the opportunity to get the best from value trading. My trading style in the past was basically like this, but in the past i would trade in the second set with my profit, and not by risking some € from the trading bank.

I'll not explain the strategies that i use in here cause i respect the authors, so if you want to learn more about both you can trade with me, or just visit the blogs that i posted and learn with great traders.

The image i posted is not random. In the topic title there is a "x" vs "y" so its like a boxing combat. I watched a very good film so i want to share with you if you are looking for a great movie to watch. The image is from that movie. The movie's name is "the fighter" and if you like a movie with a good storyline and fantastic performances from the cast this is one of those. The trailer:

Education is essential in order to have success.

Hope you liked the post
Any question email me or comment


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