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quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011

Questions & answers/ access / Real x Barça

Why do you think most traders fail?
- They use big risks and often dont follow money management rules.

Do you think that strategy is a big part of trading success?
- Of course you will need a profitable strategy to win in the long term but you need to get disciplined first and then think more in strategies.

What is you advice for people starting trading?
- Dont use more then 2,5% of the bank in risk in one match and taking it easy because trading is just like any other business where you have to learn before you do better things. You need education. I would say that you need at least two years to become good.

What is your favorite trading phrase?
- Cant remember the name of the person that said it but was: " You choose your results by choosing a risk, the more risk you use the more volatile the results will be". That phrase changed my trading perspective more then one year ago.

What is your trading style in tennis?
- I know players and players patterns very well and take advantage of it. Sometimes i use strategies and sometimes i dont.

What are your favorite sports?
- Basket(nba)/Football/tennis

Did you play any of these sports?
- Tennis

Just some of the questions that i normally answer. If you have any kind of question email me like many people do and i will answer it. Email:


I would like to give the opportunity to readers to access my students page without the need to take the full month so i will give the access to the readers that donate at least 40 € to the blog. In my opinion the value is in the live classes and all month support but i think that that page can help a lot too.

Two more pdfs coming out today.


Real Madrid x Barça
Great match. Although im a Madrid fan i think Barça deserved because they didnt wasted a lot of very good ops like Real did.

Good trades

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