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quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

Trading softwares / never quit what you love. change instead/ free time section

Hello traders, How are you?

This is a great time to test new softwares in order to choose the one that has more value. I have always been a fan of a single window with all the tools to trade and i thought that i had that belief but i really missed geeks toys  when i tried other softwares. Its not because im used to it, its because it enables to place things that i want on the place that i want with the colours i want... I really missed my graphs :D . I use just two monitors and i want to keep it that way and geeks toys allows me to organize everything very well. Geeks toy gets my vote. Whats your trading software? leave a comment.


I like to read a lot. It's food for the mind and the source of many ideas. Today i read a post on a forum about someone that is going to quit trading because he is very "unlucky" and "works a lot".

My first question would be, Do you love trading?

If you do, quitting is not the answer. 

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" – Mark Twain

Do you want quit something that you love, really? Do you want to be very old and regret not making some things differently?

He says that he is unlucky. Let me tell you something. Success is self-created and you have to own your mistakes and failure and move on. If you were "unlucky" it's because you have made a decision towards it and if you are trading, luck and unlucky must not be in your dictionnary a lot because its not a game of luck.
So what's the best attitude that we can have and that helped me a lot when i started. We have to be more HONEST. Most people have a lot of pride and a perfect self-image and thats not correct. If you want to have success and if you are starting trading, you have to be honest to say that you arent a trader and you are willing to learn. Practising honesty is fundamental.  Its very important for something to change.

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die


Babypuntz students - I will update today a new strategy that i learned in a book to keep the intensity and focus all day.


Free time section

Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world

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